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September 2024 Quarterly Report
Kings Ranch Road
Gold Canyon Transportation Study Update
Proposition 486
Road maintenance and Clean Up
Kings Ranch Road improvements
Renaissance Festival Issues
Maverik Service Station Status
Other planned activities
December 2023 Quarterly Report:
GC Transportation Study Meeting (Dec. 14 at 6pm)
Maverik Service Station status
Peralta Trail Rd. paving to trailhead
SR24 Progress report
Safe right-of-way for pedestrian & cycling
Traffic safety issues
June 2023 Second Quarterly Report:
Information on transportation studies in our area along with local transportation activities.
The latest information is on GCCI efforts with ADOT and Pinal County transportation efforts.
June 29, 2022, Transportation Committee Mid-Year Status Report
Information on transportation funding, long-term planning efforts, and recent or current activities.
May 16, 2022, Gold Canyon Community, Inc.
Input to: Pinal County Five Year Transportation Improvement & Maintenance Budget 2021 – 2026
The GCCI Transportation & Safety Committee focuses on Pinal County and ADOT initiatives to improve transportation service and safety for our residents, businesses, and visitors. Linked are comments on your County's 5-Year Transportation program
The GCCI: Transportation & Safety Committee met with ADOT on October 14, 2021, to discuss Gold Canyon’s critical traffic issues. As you will see below, ADOT is taking action!
Light Synchronization: ADOT has networked the light signals from Superstition Mountain to Kings Ranch Road to improve Hwy 60 traffic flow.
Peak Traffic Control: Cameras have been installed on our intersections so HQ traffic control staff can monitor peak periods and adjust the signals during rush hours.
Safety Planning: A comprehensive safety survey is in progress across from Superstition Mountain to Peralta. Recommendations will be made in January.
Hwy 60 Pavement Preservation: Our area will have crack/pothole repair and pavement fog sealing in the Spring of 2022
Pedestrian Safety: A new safety crossing will be implemented in late 2022 across King’s Ranch Road between the Methodist Church and the Food Bank.
Hwy 60 Planning: An end-to-end traffic and safety study from Apache Junction to Globe will be completed in 2022
Bypass Planning: Pinal County has taken the lead on interconnecting Hwy 24 from Ironwood to Hwy 60. This program is several years out, but when it is completed, truck traffic will be routed around Gold Canyon.
On April 1, 2021, the Committee met with the Pinal County Road maintenance team. They are clearly customers focused and we established a good start to a long-term working relationship. They are primarily “incident driven” for road repairs and vegetation removal. Some interesting points:
• The roads maintenance comes from Federal funding . . . it is not part of our property taxes.
• Requests for Pinal service require filling out a short description on their website. They will get back to the customer via e-mail with a service date.
• Mill/Overlay is the most expensive remediation for roads – this is typically for arterial and main thoroughfares. Neighborhood streets typically don’t get this “treatment”
• A flashing crossing light is planned for the Methodist Church crossing on Kings Ranch Road.
• The weekly street sweeping schedule will be updated this month
• Potential safety striping on Sleepy Hollow was used as a sample request – they mentioned this may not be supported by all neighbors . . . makes it more urban and encourages walking traffic
• The expansion of Peralta trails and paving is primarily for dust remediation . . . they get calls every day from Peralta residents. They have to send out watering trucks on a routine basis for dust abatement

Committee Action/Plan
Local road and safety items (non-Highway 60)
Artery and neighborhood re-paving and patching
Safety - Striping, Crosswalks or signals at high volume pedestrian intersections o Expand inter-neighborhood walking and cycling trails
Access/egress planning for any new developments in Gold Canyon
Highway 60 (Other Joint Collaboration Opportunities)
Highway 60 signal synchronization & safety review (ADOT-Greg Byres) â–ª Highway 60 re-paving (Jeff Serdy)
Highway 60 Re-Sizing with ADOT to estimate funding requirements (left turn storage; cross-overs; additional travel lanes; service road;
Access/egress merge lanes. (Ron Vibbert)
Renaissance Fair congestion planning
Medium Term
Elliott connector to Hwy 60
Other traffic smoothing options
Longer Term
Highway 24 connector to Hwy 60
North-South corridor
To report or request a road issue to Pinal County click here